Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa Caucus Yeahhh!

Remember the last Iowa caucus? That night in 2004 I'd just returned to my dorm for the spring semester and met up with Victoria in the deserted UC lobby to watch the caucus returns on the big screen. Thinking back on this elicited two reactions:
1. Thank god
it's been almost 4 years, and
2. Holy crap! It's been four years!

Besides that reminder of aging there were also fond memories, like the same "Is this really happening?" look Victoria and I had as Howard Dean roared off every state he planned to visit and promptly devour. And there was the Daily Show coverage (something we won't have this time), where Jon Stewart showed off the bumper sticker "Dated Dean, Married Kerry, Finger-banged Kucinich". This writer's strike needs to end soon or it will be a very unfunny election.

YouTube- Dean's Iowa Caucus Speech


MRP said...
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MRP said...
(better clip)

Roy said...

Thanks for the clip, Matt! I added a link to it on the blog.

victoria said...

I am so happy that this blog exists. This has been a long time coming, Roy. Also I remember watching Dean in the UC...who knew we were witnessing history!